Women on Boards
Promoting Gender Diversity has been major policy and trend of corporate governance in multiple countries and corporations. Numerous researches have indicated that enterprises whose board of directors including at least one female outperform those with no women in board of directors. Women existing in board of directors in companies are able to generate pluralistic thinking patterns, preventing companies from taking risks and advancing their competitiveness. European Union, Australia, Hong Kong, and even other countries in Middle East and Africa along with scores of countries or areas have responded such findings actively making legislation stipulating that companies should increase proportion of female board members or executives.
In response to the global trend and promote gender pluralism of directors, Taiwan Institute of Directors began promoting female directors proposal (WOB Initiative) in May 2013, by encouraging enterprises to promote female directors, women decision-makers’ role in the board.
March 8, 2014, and our institute has further invited Taiwan's various fields of outstanding women researchers, women business leaders to join and co-established the Women Directors Alliance (Women On Boards, WOB).
Women On Boards (WOB) aims to bolster diversity of board of directors, raising seats and proportion in both board of directors and executing management for women. While increasing the numbers of women in management decision-making levels, WOB reinforces female career learning and development where women become prominent leaders of various fields. Engaging in interacting with international organizations of female board of directors to probe into progress of related issues is one of the tasks that WOB desires to achieve.
Women, the power for a better world.